Organisational Alignment Checking Tool

Making the intangible, tangible!


Intended user

MD’s convinced the have a culture problem

MBB that want to convince MD’s they have a culture problem or deployment problem

HRM that want to convince MD’s they have a culture problem


Client journey

A-B by the tool

  • Intro material for all involved
  • Link to questionair
  • Report with results
  • 1 h skype or live session to explain outcomes

You will know …

B-C steps you can take on your own

  • Study the questions and the associated issues summarized in the report
  • You can start to close some of the issues raised
  • Take action

B-F with our help

  • Proposition during live call
  • Framework to help you close the gaps fast and  effective

Why I made this tool

Connecting the top floor and the shopfloor

They seemed to not understand each other and I needed a way to make it more visible

Eurofilter: I have a culture problem

Other problems?

End goal: alignment and effective execution. engagement

How and why hoshin works and how it creates culture

Can show us what the problem is?

Denison model => idea => 12 sections => subject headings => questions

(Measure improvement over time)

Used it at Sperling, Majestic,

Improved the wording

How I came to value this tool
What I learned from using this tool

What did the client learn:

They started to see the barriers in their business.

Different conversation Different language

Seeing the gaps is half the solution

If people understand how and why tools are working for human beings they can integrate it in their worldview much faster.


What this tool can do for you

Show you what you are dealing with

Can you SEE your culture problem?

Does the shopfloor know where the business is going?


Organisational Opinions Questionnaire

Perceptions = reality = world view


Value Adding

We turn organisational performance issues and change challenges into a tangible data set you can use to guide your improvement initiatives.

Under 4 categories:

  • Company
  • Awareness
  • Integration
  • Mind-Set

We ask your teams a set of carefully constructed questions covering 12 ‘critical to performance’ organisational elements.

The graphs and reports produced clearly demonstrate the alignment / misalignment to key issues from Top-floor to Shop-floor.

Once the intangible is in a tangible data set it becomes clear where gaps need to close, scores need to improve and what is required to improve performance.

If you’d like to access this tool for application in your organisation, contact us via the following e-mail addresses;


What it takes

Accessible Our alignment checking tool is easy to access from anywhere in the world!

Convenient It is quick to fill out (approx. 15 mins)